Ideas for Team Leader Meetings
Effective team leaders analyze, plan and monitor team progress. Developing good communication skills enables team leaders to make decisions, negotiate efficiently and manage time effectively. Team leaders typically meet together on a regular basis to share ideas, show progress on interdependent projects and ask for advice on handling difficult situations. Successful team leader meetings allow time for coaching, mentoring and feedback. This enables team leaders to function more effectively in the company as a whole.
Providing Coaching
Allowing time at team meetings to coach less experienced team leaders on tasks provides opportunities for more senior members of the company to showcase their skills, demonstrate how to use complex tools such as software programs and guide new team leaders on how to successfully lead teams. Coaching allows individuals to develop skills without becoming dependent on senior team leaders. Team leaders benefit from a senior leader's skills, knowledge and experience. Team leader meetings provide a chance for individuals to ask for help.
Rotating Facilitation
Rotating facilitation responsibilities gives each team leader an opportunity to set the agenda and promote her ideas. This also promotes collaboration and team building among the team leaders as well. The facilitator typically solicits input for agenda items in advance, reviews previous action items and distributes notes following the meeting. Observing team leader meetings allows participants to pick up tips about running effective meetings with their own teams too.
Developing Decision Making Skills
Team leaders typically gather to review interdependent projects. They need to give each other feedback on project progress, troubleshoot process issues and deal with problems, such as resource allocation. To help team leaders make effective decisions, run a team building exercise. For example, effective team leader meetings reserve one meeting a quarter for a team building activity designed to help them build trust and work together more effectively. Additionally, the team might discuss a difficult hypothetical decision at each meeting to practice researching issues, identifying alternatives, choosing a solution and evaluating the approach.
Rewarding Success
Team leaders inspire and motive their project team members. They rely on other team members for support and encouragement. Successful team leader's meetings reserve time to recognize team leader success. Congratulate team leaders who produce high quality products and services. Cite positive customer feedback. This spreads enthusiasm for achieving the company’s strategic goals. It also allows team leaders to ask questions about successful strategies and techniques used to accomplish the tasks.
Writer Bio
Tara Duggan is a Project Management Professional (PMP) specializing in knowledge management and instructional design. For over 25 years she has developed quality training materials for a variety of products and services supporting such companies as Digital Equipment Corporation, Compaq and HP. Her freelance work is published on various websites.