The Advantages of Project Teams

Organizing your workforce into project teams lets you structure work in a way that is specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time constrained. By grouping your employees into project teams, you can also assign clear roles, responsibilities and deadlines. When you select both experienced and inexperienced workers for the team, you enable informal coaching and mentoring that benefits both groups. Structuring employees into project teams also allow executives to communicate with just the project manager and simplify reporting.


  1. Organizing workers into project teams lets you assign designated employees to specific sets of tasks. It also allows you to train selected individuals to perform these tasks. This way, when an employee can’t complete the task, due to illness, injury or personal commitment, you can reassign the job to another worker. When people work as a team, they understand the roles and responsibilities of the other team members. Work doesn’t need to stop when someone is out for the day.


  1. Project teams consist of multiple people working towards a common goal. The Project Management Institute defines a project as a temporary endeavor. Project teams assemble to work on short-term efforts. To do so efficiently, they typically need to brainstorm ideas and come up with creative and innovative solutions to complex problems. When you have multiple team members, they can work together to use their common knowledge, skills and experience.


  1. Effective teams go through stages of development. Psychologist Bruce Tuckman identified these stages as forming, storming, norming, and performing. During these periods, individuals on the team interact to create product or services. Successful team members communicate effectively to form positive, lasting relationships and contribute to future projects as well. Project managers facilitate this by conducting team-building events to foster good communication and encourage recognition of each team member’s value and contributions.


  1. Organizing employees into project teams usually means that the leader creates a formal project plan and establishes responsibilities and accountability for getting the work done. Project leaders define the steps required to initiate, plan, execute, monitor and control, and close a project. They also gather requirements, document risks, manage quality, and coordinate task assignments. When you provide a framework, expectations for completing work become clear. Fewer misunderstandings, conflict and missed deadlines tend to occur. When people work together, they have the opportunity to learn from each other, get ideas for new approaches, avoid working too many hours by sharing the load, accept feedback and advice from more experienced personnel, and experiment with new ideas.