What Are the Keys to Teamwork?
Work teams are successful only with the right mix of skills, personalities and commitment to the team process. Employers benefit from work teams since they permit workers with different skill sets to collaborate toward one common goal. Employees can find a sense of camaraderie and motivation through team involvement if they are tapped to work with others who complement what they bring to the table.
Right People
Successful teamwork requires the right leader and the right mix of team members. Each individual should have an established role and be equipped with the specific skills to fulfill it. Once the team is up and running, members must build trust, and respect each other's place within the group. The team leader must be skilled in conflict-resolution and be able to guide the group toward its goal by providing feedback and advice to individual members and keeping everyone motivated.
Clear Goal
Team members must have a clear objective and a shared commitment to the team goal. Without a specific outcome in mind, members may lose motivation to fulfill their parts of the project. Task planning is difficult because the direction is uncertain. In particular, when a team goal is consistent with the values of individual team members, camaraderie is enhanced since members share a vision for and desire to work toward the outcome.
Effective Processes
Team members must validate team processes such as conflict resolution and decision making by respecting those processes and participating in them. Established methods for getting past disagreements ensure the team continues to move forward toward its goal. An acceptance of work division by team members means every member is accountable for his work completion and the combination of efforts results in a quality outcome.
Acceptance of Other Members
For a team to work well, team members must demonstrate good interpersonal skills, which means they must work well with their colleagues, proceeding with minimal conflict. Members must understand everyone's role on the team and defer to another when the skills of a colleague are superior to their own. They must also demonstrate patience and understanding when a team member demonstrates skill limitations or a difference in working style; as long as all elements of the project are covered, and work is distributed equally, team members need not be all things to all people.
Writer Bio
Catherine Lovering has written about business, tax, careers and pets since 2006. Lovering holds a B.A. (political science), LL.B. (law) and LL.L. (civil law).