What Is SkyDrive and How Does It Work?
SkyDrive is a cloud storage service similar to Dropbox and Google Drive. Developed by Microsoft, SkyDrive offers 7GB of storage space for free, although you can buy more if needed. You need a Microsoft account to use SkyDrive, although publicly shared files can be accessed by anyone. In addition to storing and sharing files, you can also embed your uploads onto your personal website.
How Cloud Storage Works
In computing terms, the cloud is online storage on which files can be safely stored and accessed without filling your machine's hard drive. Instead of saving files onto your local drive, you upload them to remote servers, which you can then access via the Internet. By using a unique username and password combination, you will be able to access your files across different devices and publicly share them on the Web. These servers are encrypted to ensure your data is kept safe and secure.
Creating a SkyDrive Account
You can register a SkyDrive account by visiting the official Microsoft SkyDrive page (link in Resources). You can use an existing Microsoft account or create one on the signup page. You can also add SkyDrive onto other devices such as an Android smartphone. Once you have created an account, you can download the free SkyDrive desktop app, which enables you to drag or copy files into a SkyDrive folder on your computer.
Uploading and Synchronizing Files
Your files automatically upload and synchronize to your account when placed in the SkyDrive folder. You can access your files on any device with SkyDrive installed by entering your Microsoft account details. You can also upload files directly onto the SkyDrive website. Once your files have finished uploading, you can organize them into groups and share them either publicly or with other SkyDrive users. You can also download them back onto your computer if desired.
Sharing Files
SkyDrive enables you to instantly collaborate on projects by sharing them with with your friends and colleagues. When linking to an uploaded file, you can decide whether you want the file to be editable or not. You can also change the privacy of your files, to ensure only people that are logged into SkyDrive can see them. Each time a file is altered, it will be saved to the cloud, so everyone can see the updated file. When the file is completed, you can embed it onto your personal website using SkyDrive as a host.
Writer Bio
Nick Richards has contributed to various online and print publications, specializing in the field of technology. He is an Apple-certified professional and holds a master's degree in post-production editing from the University of Bournemouth.