What Are the Objectives of Purchasing Management at the Strategies Level?
You can improve business performance by aligning the objectives of purchasing management with your business strategies. At the strategic level, purchasing decisions affect profitability and business growth. For a strategy to be effective, purchasing management objectives have to support its goals. By making sure your purchasing decisions are in line with strategic objectives, you can use purchasing management to help build your business.
Value for Money
Ensuring that what you buy has high value for the company is a key purchasing function, buy what constitutes value depends on your strategic business goals. If you want to grow your business by offering low-cost goods, a matching purchasing management objective is to negotiate low supplier prices. If you want to increase profitability by charging premium prices for the highest quality, your purchasing managers have to ensure that your suppliers deliver the best products available. Review purchasing objectives and align the value they provide with company strategies.
Long-Term Relationships with Suppliers
When you have long-term or exclusive relationships with suppliers, you often obtain lower prices, more reliable service and improved support. Your business strategy may be more effective if supported by such relationships, but it is up to your purchasing management to negotiate them. Purchasing objectives should include the pursuit of long-term relationships if they might be a strategic asset. If your strategy is to deny your competition access to a supplier, your purchasing department may have to negotiate an exclusive supply agreement.
Continuous Evaluation of Purchasing
A strategy of continuous improvement and increased efficiency can only succeed if supported by purchasing management objectives. Suppliers have to undergo continuous evaluation, subject to standards similar to those for internal business processes. When supplier efficiency and performance increases in line with other business functions, you can can reduce processing and production costs.
Put in place purchasing management objectives to include benchmarks for suppliers in terms of product failure rates, on-time delivery percentages, and competitiveness. Continuous evaluation against such benchmarks lets you identify preferred suppliers and those with exceptional performance.
Information Technology System Integration
Your business can achieve substantial economies if your suppliers can integrate their information technology system functions with yours. For example, instead of a supplier having to ask your staff whether your stock of the supplier's products is running out, the supplier's IT systems can access your warehouse records directly and automatically ship more products when stock runs low. Strategically plan for purchasing management to support this direction and consider such integration possibilities when selecting suppliers.
Specific purchasing objectives might be to automate supply of products you need regularly; automate receiving, invoicing and payments; and integrate your system's tracking of quality issues and customer support with that of key suppliers.
Writer Bio
Bert Markgraf is a freelance writer with a strong science and engineering background. He started writing technical papers while working as an engineer in the 1980s. More recently, after starting his own business in IT, he helped organize an online community for which he wrote and edited articles as managing editor, business and economics. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree from McGill University.