Importance of Centralized Purchasing
Centralizing purchasing becomes increasingly more important the larger a small business grows. Most importantly, a decentralized purchasing structure in which individual departments are responsible for their own purchasing activities is often both costly and inefficient.
In contrast, a centralized organizational and management structure reduces purchasing costs and creates a more efficient purchasing – also known as procurement – department. In some cases, a small business only needs a procurement or purchasing manager, rather than multiple staff members in a dedicated department.
Degrees of Centralization
Centralized purchasing refers to entirely centralized and center-led organizational structures, explains the Purchasing and Procurement Center. In both, the purchasing department creates purchasing policies and standard operating procedures for the entire business.
An entirely centralized structure also handles purchasing duties and activities for all departments or divisions from the business’s headquarters or home office. In a center-led structure, the purchasing department creates purchasing policies and standard operating rules but leaves daily purchasing duties and responsibilities up to each department or business division.
Questions About Strategic Efficiency
Long-term business goals and purchasing department objectives often link more directly with a centralized purchasing structure. A main reason for this is that many businesses perceive procurement as more important with a centralized purchasing department.
Perceptions of greater importance lead to centralized purchasing not only becoming more visible within the organization but also more apt to take part in long-term strategic planning. By incorporating procurement initiatives into long-term business goals, the financial success of the business links to procurement goals.
Improved Procedural Efficiency
A centralized purchasing function offers distinct procedural advantages unavailable in a decentralized structure. For one thing, centralization eliminates redundant and duplicated efforts, explains Entrepreneur magazine. Information and resource sharing create opportunities for combining departmental purchases to qualify for volume discounts and decrease transportation and delivery costs.
A centralized procurement model also makes creating and maintaining good relationships with vendors and suppliers easier. A main reason for this is that it reduces confusion among suppliers, who no longer have to wonder who to talk to for each different purchase order.
Greater Control and Management
Centralizing purchasing policies provides for greater internal control. A central purchasing policy and top-down information flow standardize decision-making and purchasing activities. For example, a centralized policy identifies employees authorized to initiate a purchase order, outlines criteria for selecting vendors and specifies spending limits.
A centralized procurement organization structure also addresses ethical issues. Among these are the business’s position on accepting gifts from suppliers, identification of instances that constitute a conflict of interest and the business’s position on maintaining confidentiality.