Mental & Verbal Harassment in the Workplace
Verbal harassment at work ranges from racist jokes to threats to "sleep with me or you're fired." Mental harassment isn't a legal term, but verbal or physical harassment can take a heavy mental toll, leaving the target intimidated or unable to work.
Legal Terms for Harassment
Behavior you might think is obviously harassment – belittling criticism, bullying, insults – might not meet the legal definition. Verbal harassment includes those things but only if they're based on the target's "protected characteristic." A boss who criticizes everyone unfairly isn't, legally speaking, a harasser. If a supervisor or co-worker singles out workers who are, say, black, female or immigrant, then it's a legal issue.
Harassment is Unwelcome and Ongoing
Harassment must also be offensive and unwelcome, for example racist remarks or homophobic jokes. Except in extreme cases, one incident isn't enough. Harassment has to be ongoing, severe and pervasive enough that a reasonable person would find the work environment hostile, intimidating or abusive. This can include not only insults and criticism but practical jokes; showing a woman nude photographs; or forcing an employee to perform particularly gross or humiliating tasks.
Harassment that offends or causes mental anguish to someone other than the harasser's target is illegal too.
The Employer's Role
If a worker reports harassment to her boss, her boss's boss or the HR department, the company is supposed to take it seriously. An employer that knows about the harassment and does nothing makes itself liable for a lawsuit. Taking steps to prevent further harassment protects the company.
Reporting is a Necessary Step
Even in the 21st century, many companies don't seem to grasp this. Employees at many firms have spoken out about how they reported harassment and the company did nothing or threatened to fire the accuser. The #metoo movement has highlighted a wave of sexual harassment reports, including details of how the company protected the harasser. Even when people inside a company know the charges are true, they may prefer to close their eyes to it.
Reporting harassment to an employer is only the first step, and it may not get results. It's still a necessary step. The victim has to report and the employer has to fail to act before the victim can take any legal action.
Changing Workplace Attitudes
Polls taken after movie mogul Harvey Weinstein and other prominent figures were outed as abusers indicate Americans' view of sexual harassment has changed. A Gallup poll taken at the end of the 1990s found a majority of Americans thought employees were too sensitive about sexual harassment.
At the end of 2017 a majority believed workplaces weren't sensitive enough. A larger number of women said they'd be willing to sue if they're harassed. Time will tell what effect the changed attitudes have on the work environment and companies' willingness to deal with verbal harassment.
- Equal Employment Opportunity Commission: Harassment
- Employment Law Firms: How to Prove Harassment in the Workplace
- The Bottom Line: Companies Ignore Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
- William M. Julien: What Is Workplace Harassment and What Can You Do About It?
- Gallup: Concerns About Sexual Harassment Higher Than in 1998
Writer Bio
Fraser Sherman has written about every aspect of business: how to start one, how to keep one in the black, the best business structure, the details of financial statements. He's also run a couple of small businesses of his own. He lives in Durham NC with his awesome wife and two wonderful dogs.