What Is the Consequence of Racial Harassment in the Workplace?
According to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, racial harassment is unwelcome, severe or pervasive conduct toward a person based on her race or ethnic origin. The behavior interferes with work and may involve racial jokes or statements, intimidation, name-calling, ridicule, insults, offensive objects or images. Racial harassment is a serious workplace issue, and employers that fail to prevent or stop it may be subject to civil court actions and EEOC fines.
Federal and State Harassment Laws
Racial harassment is a form of racial discrimination covered by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The act prohibits discrimination based on a person's race and prohibits harassment based on a person's ancestry; physical characteristics associated with race; culture; perceptions about race; association with a person of another race; and race-linked illnesses. In addition, states have laws prohibiting racial harassment and may extend the protections offered by Title VII.
Consequences for Victims
Workers subjected to racial harassment by their coworkers and supervisors experience high levels of work-related stress that may lead to medical problems, such as high blood pressure, depression and heart disease. In addition to feeling humiliated, rejected and hurt, they are often reluctant to object to the harassment or report it for fear of retaliation. Frequently, they tolerate it in silence until they find another job.
Consequences for Co-workers
Racial harassment interferes with employee productivity and loyalty to the company. When workers witness harassment, they feel uncomfortable, may withdraw emotionally and lose their interest in work. This affects productivity, teamwork and profits. Racial harassment is a form of workplace bullying, and those who harass co-workers or subordinates without negative consequences may extend their offensive behavior to others. Workplace consultant Catherine Michael Mattice reports that one workplace bully could cost a business approximately $83,000 in time dealing with the bully and the victims. This did not include the cost of lost productivity, revenue or staff turnover.
Consequences for the Business
Under Title VII, organizations have an obligation to prevent racial harassment and correct situations when they occur. Failure to do so can lead to EEOC fines and civil lawsuits. For example, in 2008, aerospace firm Lockheed Martin settled a racial harassment case for $2.8 million. The plaintiff reported daily harassment and threats of lynching to his employer, who failed to take action to stop it. In addition to stress-related conditions that require medical care, other harassment-related costs include employee turnover, production and service quality problems and damage to the organization's reputation in the community.
Preventing Racial Harassment
Preventing racial harassment is an ongoing process that begins when a business develops and communicates an anti-harassment policy. An effective policy includes a confidential process for employees to report harassment without fear of retaliation. All complaints are investigated in a timely manner, and management keeps the employee who filed the complaint advised of the investigation's progress and outcome. In addition, leadership needs to examine its assumptions and biases about race and model desired behavior for employees. Providing managers with training on signs and patterns of harassment and how to deal with them promotes a work environment that supports accountability and tolerance.
Writer Bio
Diane Chinn is a freelance writer with more than 15 years experience in many areas, including business and technical communications. She has a Bachelor of Arts in psychology from California State University and a Master of Arts in human resources and industrial relations from the University of Minnesota. She is a Six Sigma Green Belt .