Importance of Teamwork in Organizations
Teamwork is used across many different industries to increase performance, employee unity and company culture. Companies that must frequently develop new ideas or products using a project-based approach assemble teams in order to diffuse responsibility and to increase the number and diversity of ideas for the project. Team members use teamwork to bounce ideas off of one another before deciding on a development path for a project.
Promotes Problem Solving
Teamwork is important due to the problem-solving synergy gained from multiple minds working on a solution. When one person works on a specific company problem, that person only has her personal experience and knowledge from which to pull for solutions. Using teamwork, team members pool their collective ideas together to generate unique ideas for dealing with problems.
Problems in this case are not purely negative. The problem could be developing a product for a consumer to address a need that the consumer does not know that she has. Two or more people working together also build upon one another's ideas, weeding out the weak parts and making the ideas better.
Improves Communication of Ideas
Teamwork is the backbone of effective communication within a company. When employees work as individuals or independently on projects, they may not readily share knowledge or new information. This lack of communication increases the time it takes to complete projects, tasks or the development of solutions. Teamwork promotes conversation between employees regarding the task at hand, possibly preventing employees from working in opposite directions.
For example, if one employee does not communicate that one method of addressing a problem is a dead end, and another employee is still trying to use that method, productivity is lowered. Two working together may also feel more emboldened to ask a third person for advice or input, or to point out what doesn't make sense in the project, rather than spinning their wheels on something that isn't working.
Increases Work-Flow Speed
Cohesion is an important byproduct of teamwork within a company. This cohesion could be the result of increased chemistry, trust or both from working on projects as a team. Cohesive employees are less likely to be confrontational toward one another and more accepting of each others' decisions. Cohesion from teamwork can greatly increase the work-flow speed of a company.
Learning from Team Members
When employees work together as a team within a company, every employee learns from one another. This knowledge is not limited to the personal experiences of coworkers; employees from different departments may learn information from each other regarding the limitations and possibilities of those departments. For example, if a marketing department consistently makes demands with unrealistic deadlines to another department, the marketing department may see through teamwork why its requests are unreasonable.
Feeling of Belonging
When a team is cohesive and works well together, it gives team members a feeling that they belong to something good. Everyone wants to be on a winning team, but you can't win all the time. Belonging to the team makes the setbacks more bearable because they're shared. Team members console one another and prop each other up, reminding everyone of their successes and that together, they will be victorious again. This promotes strong working relationships.
Writer Bio
Aaron Marquis is a University of Texas graduate with experience writing commercials and press releases for national advertising agencies as well as comedy television treatments/stories for FOX Studios and HBO. Marquis has been writing for over six years.