What Are the Disadvantages and Advantages of Using Employment Teams in an Organization?
Companies are increasingly valuing the benefits of teamwork on projects, routine functional tasks and other important work. While these benefits are apparent, work teams do face challenges and disadvantages that are different than those faced by individual workers. Small business leaders need to understand these challenges while weighing the benefits.
Advantage 1: Improved Results
One of the most oft-cited reasons for work teams is the increased quantity and quality of ideas shared within a group. Additionally, work team members have the opportunity to discuss their ideas and consider their strengths or weaknesses. Through this back and forth, the best ideas and most creative solutions to problems should ultimately come to the fore and get implemented.
Advantage 2: Shared Work
Employees within the work groups often recognize the advantage of shared work when working with others. Once decisions are made and tasks are established, employees can divide the responsibility for those tasks so that any one team member is not overwhelmed by his personal accountability for the work. Each team member can also support the others through both functional and moral support. Team cooperation and mutual understanding also boost the commitment of the employees to their work.
Disadvantage 1: Time Delays
Though team members often think of teamwork as more efficient because of the division of responsibilities, effective team discussions and involvement usually extend decision-making processes and work activities. Businesses recognize these delays are a part of the process when you rely on work groups, but the communication and multiperson involvement means it takes longer to discuss ideas and come to agreeable resolutions to challenges.
Disadvantage 2: Team Conflict
A major disadvantage in putting people close together to work in teams is that personality and activity conflicts can arise. The closeness of work groups can escalate the nature of conflict, making it more significant than if employees were working alone. When conflict does arise within a group, the teammates cannot just ignore each other because they still have work commitments and responsibilities. This makes conflict resolution and mutual respect and trust necessary to overcome the challenges of team conflict.
Writer Bio
Neil Kokemuller has been an active business, finance and education writer and content media website developer since 2007. He has been a college marketing professor since 2004. Kokemuller has additional professional experience in marketing, retail and small business. He holds a Master of Business Administration from Iowa State University.