Security Cameras Vs. Employee Rights
Security cameras are a useful tool in business, helping protect both your assets and your employees. They can also be used for surveillance of the employees, though, so you have to account for your employees' privacy rights when you're deciding how to use and position them.
Need for Surveillance
Business owners have reported that the installation of security cameras has helped them in several significant ways. Not only have cameras helped them identify employees who are stealing, but they also deter workers from stealing in the first place. Cameras also help employers monitor the work habits of employees.
Not all camera installations are meant to “catch” employees in the act of doing something wrong. Just as employees use them to monitor employees’ work habits, employers can see the dedication of an employee.
Employee Privacy Rights
Many employees understand their employers’ need to monitor the workplace, so they understand the need for employers to install security cameras throughout their establishments. However, they will not accept their most private moments being recorded. They expect and demand a certain amount of privacy and federal and state laws oblige them. In order to install cameras, the business owner must prove that they have a reasonable, legitimate business purpose.
Furthermore, most states require that the employer notify its employees that the premises are under surveillance. Hidden cameras are generally not allowed.
Law Regarding Video Recordings
Federal and state courts have ruled that the installation of surveillance cameras is not illegal as long as the intent passes muster. For example, employers cannot install cameras in restrooms or locker rooms where people change their clothes. Some states go a step further and disallow cameras in lounge areas. Installing cameras in these areas could leave the business owner open to being sued under tort laws.
Although it may be legal to make video recording, such is not the case with sound recordings. Recording sound, or eavesdropping, is illegal in most states. In order to record sound, the party or parties being recorded, must give their consent.
Employees have the right to sue if they feel like their privacy has been wrongfully invaded in any way by surveillance cameras.
Know the Law
If you are a business owner thinking about installing security cameras in your office, you should first familiarize yourself with federal laws and state laws regarding privacy. State laws can vary widely by state. You can learn about them by contacting the U.S. Department of Labor and your state’s labor department. You should also be prepared for the possibility of resentment on the part of your employees, and take care to present your decision in a way that doesn't call their character or dedication into question.
Writer Bio
Valerie Fox is a business reporter and editor specializing in consumer affairs and debt management. She has been a writer since 1994, also covering politics, housing and the stock and bond markets. Fox has written for Cox, Gannett and Knight-Ridder newspapers. She holds a Bachelor of Science in economics from the University of Florida.