Reasons for Wrongful Termination
It is occasionally necessary for small business owners or managers to fire an employee. This is an unpleasant fact of life in the business world. Most employers won't terminate a worker without good reason. However, firing an employee can leave your business open to legal action if the reason is considered wrongful. The legal consequences may include court-ordered payment of lost wages, expenses and even punitive damages. In some cases, wrongful termination may also result in statutory penalties such as fines.
Employees in the United States usually work “at will.” This means that employers can fire them for any reason that does not violate specific state or local laws. An illegal firing is considered wrongful termination and opens the door to legal action. Terminating a worker in violation of the terms of an employment contract or a collective bargaining agreement can also be grounds for a legal claim against an employer. In general, federal laws prohibit firing for reasons considered discriminatory or as retaliation for complaints based on real or perceived violations of federal anti-discrimination, labor and heath and safety laws. Some states impose additional restrictions on firing of employees.
Federal anti-discrimination laws are designed to prevent termination of employees for reasons not related to work qualifications or performance. Thus, it is a wrongful termination if an employee is fired because of race, gender, religion or national origin. A person may not be fired because age if she is at least 40 years of age. Persons with disabilities may not be fired solely because of the disabling condition. A pregnant employee may not be fired because of her pregnancy or a related medical condition. States may expand federal anti-discrimination laws. For example, some states have enacted statutes barring termination based on sexual orientation.
Employee Rights
Employees may not be terminated for asserting their rights under the law or for filing formal or informal complaints of violations of their rights. Firing an employee solely for these reasons may be considered wrongful termination even if it turns out the employee was incorrect in believing a violation of his rights had occurred. For example, an employee cannot be fired for requesting leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act or for lodging a complaint regarding infractions of the Occupational Safety and Health Act. Employees also have the right to refuse to take a lie detector test and may not be fired for doing so.
Other Wrongful Termination
Aliens or non-citizens who are working legally in the United States may not be fired simply because they are not citizens under the provisions of the federal Immigration Reform and Control Act. Some states have enacted “public policy” prohibitions that make it unlawful to fire someone for reasons viewed as unethical. These laws vary from state to state, so check with your state department of labor for information. Under public policy restrictions, a state might bar employers from firing a worker for refusing to perform an illegal act such as dumping toxic waste or for reporting illegal dumping.
Writer Bio
Based in Atlanta, Georgia, W D Adkins has been writing professionally since 2008. He writes about business, personal finance and careers. Adkins holds master's degrees in history and sociology from Georgia State University. He became a member of the Society of Professional Journalists in 2009.