The Impact of Counterproductive Behavior in Organizations
Counterproductive behavior in the workplace can take many forms, from difficult personalities that damage team cohesion to employee theft that undermines your organization’s financial well-being. While you can’t eliminate counterproductive behavior entirely, minimize it by monitoring workers and developing strict protocols for handling problems. Use positive reinforcement to encourage helpful behaviors, such as high attendance and cooperation.
Poor Attendance
Employee absenteeism has a host of negative effects, including the loss of wages and benefits given to workers who don’t fully contribute, and further costs related to hiring temporary employees, according to the book “Human Resource Management.” Managers might lose time handling problems that arise due to missing employees, and quality might suffer as projects fail to receive the proper amount of attention.
Employee Theft
Employee theft describes a wide range of illegal behaviors, from stealing merchandise to doctoring sales receipts to skimming tiny amounts of money from registers. An organization lacking security protocols to discourage employee theft risks severe financial damage. For example, retailers in the United States lost $15.9 billion to employee theft in 2008, exceeding combined losses due to shoplifting and vendor fraud for that year, according to a 2009 Reuters report.
Interpersonal Problems
Organizations might suffer from a variety of interpersonal problems, including favoritism that leaves some employees out in the cold, backstabbing that sabotages careers, routine complaining that increases negativity and rumor spreading that lowers morale. In extreme cases, interpersonal problems can lead to abusive behavior, such as sexual harassment, stalking and violent actions. These behaviors risk workplace safety as well as violate laws, so act quickly to stop such behavior, and work with law enforcement whenever necessary.
In the past, organizations learned to take steps to decrease personal phone calls that distracted employees from their work. Today, organizations also must combat cyberloafing, which refers to such activities as checking personal email accounts and visiting websites that have nothing to do with work responsibilities. Managers can't watch employees constantly to curtail cyberloafing, so a more effective approach is to task your computer services department with installing software that limits online activities.
Writer Bio
Stan Mack is a business writer specializing in finance, business ethics and human resources. His work has appeared in the online editions of the "Houston Chronicle" and "USA Today," among other outlets. Mack studied philosophy and economics at the University of Memphis.