The Effects of a Lack of Respect in the Workplace
You know it when you see it. Or, more likely, you know it when you feel it. Seeing or hearing someone treat a coworker disrespectfully can wash over you like a wave of nausea. It's probably just the reaction the protagonist intended, though not for you, the boss. But once you're aware of disrespect in the workplace – the workplace that you've worked hard to develop constructively – it's time to quash it before others get the idea that you will tolerate such behavior. A lack of respect can can be ruinous to workplace harmony and take a huge toll on your small business.
Disrespect in the Workplace Assumes Many “Faces”
Disrespect takes many forms, with overt actions including:
- Interrupting someone before they are done speaking.
- Making rude, snide or belittling comments. Seizing control of a situation or project by means of intimidation. Sighing or making facial gestures while someone is speaking.
Sometimes, disrespect is not so overt and may escape detection. Managers should watch out for the following behavior:
- Circulating rumors or innuendos. Ignoring a person or directive. Making “jokes” at someone else's expense.* Refusing to include someone in an activity or communication.
In the worst cases, disrespect in the workplace can deteriorate to name-calling and even verbal or physical fighting. And at this point, your workplace may be on the cusp of chaos. It will cross the line over to bullying or harassment when the negativity becomes habitual.
Incivility Worsens, Takes a Huge Toll
Disrespect in the workplace has become more flagrant and commonplace over the last 20 years, according to a research involving 800 managers and employees in 17 different industries. As a small business owner, you are correct in assuming that uncivil behavior usually leads to a drop in productivity. But “The Cost of Bad Behavior” report suggests more widespread repercussions. Of those on the receiving end of disrespectful behavior, the research showed that:
- 78 percent said their commitment to the organization had declined.
- 66 percent said their job performance suffered.
- 47 percent said they intentionally spent less time at work.* 38 percent said they deliberately decreased the quality of their work.
Unsurprisingly, many targeted employees left their jobs. Yet they didn't tell their bosses why they sought employment elsewhere. Meanwhile, witnesses to disrespectful incidents suffered too. They were less likely to help, share and collaborate with their co-workers. Like their computers at the end of the day, they shut down, and teamwork became non-existent.
How to Quash Disrespect in the Workplace
Since small business owners set the tone in the workplace, you also bear responsibility for moving quickly to quash disrespect in its tracks by:
- Making it clear that you have zero tolerance for disrespectful behavior in the workplace.* Instructing employees to come directly to you if they are subjected to disrespectful behavior in the workplace.
- Being prepared to take disciplinary action against those who violate your standards.
The ripple effect of respecting others should help reduce workplace stress and conflict, not to mention bolster productivity, collaboration and a genuine sense of goodwill. In the end, your employees may not always see eye to eye and may even clash sometimes over ideas and procedures. Reasonable adults expect this. But they should know that they must conduct themselves in a professional and respectful manner in the workplace.
As the boss, you can set the bar of good behavior by:
- Controlling upsets by letting minor irritations slide, not fester. Communicating in a polite and positive manner. Being mindful of not only what you say but how you say it. Ending disagreements with a friendly high-five or handshake to ensure that any harsh words have been put to rest. Encouraging employees to come to each other's aid – in other words, to act like a team, and not just say they are.
The researchers say that a positive workplace culture in which people feel respected is often palpable; you can feel it. Chances are, your customers will, too.
- Smart Company: What is the borderline between disrespect and workplace bullying?
- Quartz: The silent killer of workplace happiness, productivity, and health is a lack of basic civility
- Inc.: Squelch Disrespectful Behavior at Work Before It Spreads
- Science Direct: The Cost of Bad Behavior
- High Speed Training: Importance of Respect in the Workplace
Writer Bio
Mary Wroblewski earned a master's degree with high honors in communications and has worked as a reporter and editor in two Chicago newsrooms. Then she launched her own small business, which specialized in assisting small business owners with “all things marketing” – from drafting a marketing plan and writing website copy to crafting media plans and developing email campaigns. Mary writes extensively about small business issues and especially “all things marketing.”