How to Deal With Feuding Employees
You may think of the workplace as an environment that should emulate a big, happy family, but the reality is that many families have conflict. The same is true in almost every workplace, with employees feuding over responsibilities, territory and other issues. As a supervisor, your job is not to make everyone like one another, but to create an environment in which professionalism is valued and expected. Deal with employee conflicts promptly to avoid the degradation of professional behavior.
Meet with each employee separately. Allow your employee to vent, then ask her what specific behavior on the part of the other employee is bothering her. For example, if an employee claims that another employee is sabotaging her work, ask her why she came to that conclusion. She might say that her nemesis fails to write down phone messages, causing her to miss important meetings. Now you have a specific behavior that you can address.
Validate the emotions that both parties in the conflict are experiencing. Let employees know that the feelings they have are legitimate, as this is a mediation strategy that can help to resolve workplace conflict, according to an article published in the January 2010 "Negotiation Journal." Encourage employees to identify their emotions and attempt to understand the feelings of the other person involved in the conflict.
Let employees know that while they might never enjoy each other's company, the goal is to accomplish workplace tasks in a professional manner. If you suspect your employees lack these skills, you can work with each person individually, offering guidance on how to interact professionally when a person dislikes another person.
Address issues in the workplace that you believe may contribute to employee frustration. In her book, "How to Reduce Workplace Conflict and Stress," author and "corporate peacemaker" Anna Maravelas points out that conflict often arises from frustration, which can lead some employees to look for others to blame. Address frustrating circumstances as they arise, and your employees will be more likely to keep the peace.
Document all conversations with the employees who are having difficulty. Write down the details of all incidents between the employees as well, along with the time and date that they occurred.
Issue a written warning documenting the unacceptable behaviors you have observed on the part of one or both of the employees if mediation has proved ineffective. Let the employee know the consequences of continuing to behave unprofessionally, and ask her to sign the warning, indicating that she received it. Place the warning in her personnel file.
- "Negotiation Journal"; Facilitating Conflict Transformation: Mediator Strategies for Eliciting Emotional Communication in a Workplace Conflict; Jessica Jameson, et al.; January 2010
- "How to Reduce Workplace Conflict and Stress"; Anna Maravelas; 2008
- Remove the source of the conflict, if possible. For example, if employees are angry because they each believe that they should be in charge of a particular aspect of a project, give each employee clear responsibilities for the operation.
- Be careful to avoid the appearance of "taking sides" in the conflict. Appearing to favor one of the employees can escalate the conflict.
- Keep excellent records. Angry employees, if fired, can become litigious.
Writer Bio
Elise Wile has been a writer since 2003. Holding a master's degree in curriculum and Instruction, she has written training materials for three school districts. Her expertise includes mentoring, serving at-risk students and corporate training.