What Are the Benefits of Teaming in an Organization?

The teaming of workers within both small and large organizations brings with it several benefits when the creation and use of teams is governed with an eye toward potential results. A well-matched team of individuals working on a common project or managing a particular aspect of a business can improve work quality, efficiency and growth.

Greater Experience

  1. Members of a team within an organization bring their individual experience and accomplishments to the team. The accumulated total of both personal and professional experiences of the group adds far more value to the work of the team than any one individual's background could. This benefit actually adds depth to ideas generated by the group and helps create a more efficient work flow. A small business looking to acquire a limited amount of workers may choose to implement team-building principles when choosing employees. By picking workers with select skills, such as bookkeeping, the owner obtains a talented workforce even when individual employees do not have an assigned title or a formalized job within the business.

Idea Flow

  1. When a person works on a project independently, all or most of the ideas for its forward progression must be generated by him. Within a team project, each member provides valuable input for new ideas and works toward implementing both current and future goals for the organization. The ability to idea share helps relieve the pressure on individual team members since full responsibility for the project doesn't rest on a single set of shoulders. It also allows for a wider variety of ideas to develop across the group. For small businesses, particularly new start-ups, the generation and implementation of new ideas and concepts helps differentiate one company from another within a competitive marketplace. Relieving the pressure on individual employees through creative team building can push a new business to a higher level.


  1. A team working toward a common goal typically benefits from greater efficiency, because each team member is able to concentrate on his particular expertise while experiencing the support of the group. When developing a new product or service, one member can focus on industry research while another prepares the financial data relevant to the project, such as expected costs to fully develop the product and bring it to market. For small businesses with limited budgets, the efficient use of resources and personnel sometimes means the difference between turning a profit or ending the fiscal year in the red. By maximizing the strengths of each individual member of the work force, projects reach completion as fast as possible.

Project Centralization

  1. The creation of a team also creates a centralized area for project management within an organization. When another person inside or outside of the company needs to know details about the project, instead of visiting several different people in the business, the person can visit the team as a unit and find out all of the needed information at one time instead of in several small doses.

Virtual Ability

  1. Teaming provides a further benefit in the digital world. A team no longer needs to be located in one specific location to reap the benefits of working together. Group phone calls, web conferencing and instant messaging allow talented members of an organization from several different locations to springboard ideas off of one another and work toward a common goal. This adds greater value to the concept of teaming, because the organization does not need to put the team together with personnel from within a single office space and instead can pick the best members from a variety of sources based on individual merit. Many small businesses may even choose to pick individuals with particular talents from outside of the business to work on a contract basis in order to leverage talent without taking on the expense of a salaried or full-time employee.