Advertising Ideas for Christmas
Consumers become inundated with advertising during the Christmas season. Shoppers spend more money around the holidays, which provides you with increased opportunities for revenue. Deciding how much to spend on holiday advertising can be tricky. Spend too much, and it eats into profits. Don't spend enough, and you won't draw the traffic you want. To make the most of your advertising, look for methods that set you apart from other businesses.
Shopping habits vary, but each year some consumers wait until the last minute to get their Christmas shopping done. Use this to your advantage by advertising deals. Deciding the best way to encourage shoppers to spend more at your store depends on the nature of your business. For example, if you run an online store, offer free or discounted expedited shipping. If your store is bricks and mortar, post holiday-decorated signs advertising deals like "by one, get one half off."
Host a holiday-themed "party" for your customers. Deck your store out in Christmas decorations, and have carols playing in the background. As your customers shop, walk around with a tray of Christmas cookies and small cups of cider, offering the treats to the shoppers. It allows them to explore your store while giving you an opportunity to answer any questions they may have about merchandise. If you have a mailing list for frequent customers, offer special coupons to those who bring a friend.
The Internet is a powerful and often cost-effective way to advertise during Christmas. An online-only store or a store with a website can benefit from temporarily redesigning the home page to reflect the Christmas season. You can make it stand out even more by making it slightly interactive. Have digital snow fall, or put deals on Christmas tree ornaments. E-mail any deals to customers on your mailing list.
Writer Bio
Julia Forneris has been a writer and editor since 2002. Her work has appeared in economics magazines such as "Region Focus" and on various websites. The editor of Scratch That! Editorial, Forneris holds a Master of Arts in literature from Virginia Commonwealth University.