Advantages of Exclusivity With a Retailer
Small manufacturers, wholesalers and distributors enjoy many advantages of having exclusivity with retailers. This essentially means that their brands or products are the only ones that a specific retailer carries. Retail exclusivity is particularly common with high tech companies, especially when new technologies are introduced to the market. Consumer anticipation is usually high, which benefits both the retailers and manufacturers. Retail exclusivity can also benefit producers and distributors of other product types as well.
More Attention
One benefit of retail exclusivity is that the manufacturer's or distributor's products receive much more attention. The retailer may highlight the exclusive product in their store newspapers or ads. Some retailers may even include coupons on the exclusive items, distributing them in coupon magazines or other print media. The manufacturer may also be permitted to set up store demos or videos in stores, showing customers how to use the new products.
Greater Shelf Space
Manufacturers and distributors with retail exclusivity enjoy greater amounts of shelf space in stores. Most retail stores allocate a certain amount of space for product categories and competing brands. Manufacturers or distributors with retail exclusivity get to use 100 percent of the allotted space for their products. Some may even get the use of store end caps, which are located at both ends of the long shelving units or gondolas. Greater amounts of shelf space can mean fewer out-of-stock situations. Manufacturing companies can display more of their products with the extra shelf space. Consumers may also feel the brand is special because it dominates a certain store aisle.
Greater Sales and Profits
Retail exclusivity or mono-branding, as it is sometimes called, can lead to greater sales. Retailers may devote all their in-store marketing efforts to that one brand. Their sales reps may also be well-versed on all the product features and benefits of the brand. Hence, the reps only have one product or brand to push in that particular product category. A product manufacturer or distributor may also enjoy higher profits from the greater sales volume.
Minimized Competitive Influence
Manufacturers and distributors can minimize their competitors' influence with multiple retail exclusivity arrangements. Competitors are forced to make do with available retail outlets. This minimizes competitors' distribution options, which can hamper their sales and profits. Consumers are inconvenienced because they may have trouble finding a competitive brand. Hence, they may be forced to purchase the available brand. A competitor has no influence or impact in stores where a manufacturer or distributor enjoys retail exclusivity.